MAK's Journey


MAK's Journey *

Woman holding a basket filled with gift bags labeled 'Infertility Survival Kit' in an indoor setting.
Person holding a baby and a document in front of a ferris wheel, with a sign reading 'St. Louis Wheel' in the background.
Collection of syringes, medication bottles, and prescription pill bottles on a surface.

My name is Danielle and I am an infertility Warrior.

I always knew since I was a little girl that being a mom was something I aspired to be. I watched my mom and grandmother closely and found comfort in the love and guidance they were able to give me so I gave the exact love and comfort to my multiple baby dolls named Sarah. :)

Fast forward many years….

As I grew into a teenager, so did the pain of periods that no one could explain. I suffered for years with pain, nausea, inflammation, and confusion, as so many doctors told me over and over that I was just a teenage girl having a period… and they just hurt.

It sure didn’t feel that way when I was hunched over in the bathroom not able to get up from the pain every month.

No matter how much I advocated for myself, it felt like no one listened… and not once did it cross my mind that what was going on with me then, was going to affect my life intensely when I decided to start my family.

Fast forward many more years….

In 2015, I finally had a doctor that referred me to a specialist for Endometriosis and I was able to learn more about what I was going through. I had a laparoscopy which confirmed that I, indeed, had endometriosis.

Annnnnd when my husband and I decided it was time to start our family, so many more diagnosis came with it.

We stepped foot in our fertility clinic the beginning of 2016 with so much hope of having a family and our baby being one of the beautiful babies on the wall in the waiting room… but we had NO IDEA what was going to come our way.

6 years =*2 rounds of timed intercourse, 2 rounds of insemination,

2 rounds of IVF, Ovarian Hyper-Stimulation Syndrome, 2 losses, and 5 failed transfers…

And we felt EVERY SINGLE CHALLENGE that could, and did, come our way.

Infertility changed me.

And just when I felt like I could not go on with poking, prodding, putting myself through exhaustion, the impact it was having on our marriage and other relationships, the loneliness, and the grief that came with so much loss including a loss just the month before…

…our 6th embryo snuggled right inside and made our dreams come true. We were pregnant.

August 4th, 2021, Our 4lb 6 oz Miracle, was finally in our arms.

In that moment, I did not only confirm my true purpose as her mother, but also found my purpose in helping others find their rainbow after the storm that feels like will never move on.

I sat long days in NICU with my daughter, until she was able to come home, and as I held her my mind would race on how I almost gave up hope …

I just wanted give that hope to others who were feeling like giving up just like I was.

But how?

My daughter and I started a tradition that December of donating IVF Coloring books and journals, that I created and published online, to my fertility clinic on my daughters transfer-versery for others going through treatment that same day.

It was such a special moment to have in teaching her about how loved she was, how we fought for her, and the journey it took to get to where we were as a family.

Not only that but it was a day that I was able to give hope to others. I wrote a special note on all of the books to let them know that was in their same exact position just a year before with hope leaving my heart.. and because I didn’t give up, I had my rainbow.

The notes of appreciation started flooding through in the next few days from the patients that received by books and it gave me so much joy.

If I can give someone that little push by giving them a piece of my heart in a moment of uncertainty and it helped them keep going….

Imagine what else we can do.